Two friends of mine started building their quadrocopters and use Paul's complete quadrocopter frame with MWC board and black flydumini.
I got some new reenforced 10" props and new brand new GPS bob.
GPS Bob kit as delivered by flyduino with my FMP04 |
After 10 minutes of soldering I had everything onboard, including the FMP04 and the Bob was ready to go:
ready FlyduGPS |
Just a little adjustment in the multiwii code and I got a tight satellite fix inside of my living room near the window:
FlyduGPS in comparison to a Get em... bob I am currently testing |
Satellite fix after just a few seconds |
working MultiWii GPS code |
detailed comparisons and testing coming soon...
Oh by the way: You should really buy the new 10" props from Flyduino they have improved a lot and the mounting is perfect now, I can hardly tell the difference to Mikrokopter props
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